In this algorithm clusterization of input data sample, optimal
after balance of clusterization criterion, is found by rationally
organised sorting-out procedure. It finds optimal clusterizations
of input data sample among all possible clusterizations.
Adequateness Law and black box concept
Almost all objects of recognition and control in economy, ecology,
biology and medicine are undeterministic or fuzzy. They can be represented
by deterministic (robust) part and additional black boxes acting
on each output of object. The only information about these boxes
is that they have limited values of output variables which are similar
to the corresponding states of object.
According to W.R.Ashby work [33] diversity of control system is
to be not smaller, than diversity of the object itself. The
Law of Adequateness, given by S.Beer, establishes that for optimal
control the objects are to be compensated by corresponding black
boxes of the control system [13]. For optimal pattern recognition
and clustering only partial compensation is necessary. More of what
we are interested in is to minimise the degree of compensation by
all means to get more accurate results.
The simplest presentation of black boxes outputs are the set of
random figures with even distribution. Random figures can be compensated
by another random figures only after smoothing or averaging. This
operation is realised by interval discretization of the input data
to D levels. According to Widrow theorem each level is to
unite in itself almost equal number of the input data realisations
" Pointing Finger" clusterization algorithm
The degree of black boxes mutual compensation can be easily regulated
and optimized by balance of two clusterizations criterion calculation.
It is obtained using two trees of clusterization construction.
There are shown:
1 - input data sample;
2 - interval discretizated sample;
3,7 - calculation of the distances between points;
4,8 - first and second hierarchical clusterization
6 - interval discretizated tree, calculated with
the account of analogues;
9 - calculation of number of clusters and balance
criterion, which is equal BL=0 for several values of discretization
levels D and several values of compensation coefficient l.
The choice of the D-plane, where s=3 (two trivial clusterizations
and optimal one).
The realizations presented in data sample correspond to the points
of multidimensional hyperspace. Each point has its nearest neighbor
or first analogue. To calculate analogues
the city-block measure of distance is used. Then the sample of analogues
is calculated, according to weighted summation formulae:
where: B - realization, given in the input data sample;
A1 - its first
analogue (nearest neighbor);
l - coefficient of black boxes mutual compensation.
Formulae is valid for continue-valued and interval discretizated
features. For binary variables the voting procedures are developed
[8]. The hierarchical tree of clusterization is constructed for
discretizated input data sample B and for the sample of analogues
A1. There is proved, that the hierarchical tree construction can
be considered as a procedure, which minimises the sorting-out volume:
the optimal clusterization is not excluded in the result of this
procedure [25]. Then the balance of clusterizations criterion is
calculated for two hierarchical trees:
where: k - number of clusters;
- number of similar clusters.
The pointing-out characteristic on the figure shows the change
of the criterion along the steps of trees construction. Except of
the tree clusterization balance criterion is to be equal to zero
at the very beginning and at the end of trees construction, i.m.
for clusterizations: s = 1 - every point is the separate cluster;
s = N - all points are united to one cluster. Optimal clusterization
we can find by means of D and l variation :
D = N, N/2, N/3, ..., 2 ;
l = 0, 0.05, 0.1, ... , 1.
The value of noise compensation coefficient l is chosen
to get single zero value of balance criterion. If the number of
optimal clusterizations is cannot be reduced by increasing of l
coefficient there are necessary to invite experts for final decision.
It was shown that one can apply computer sorting algorithms to
choosing clusterings and pattern recognition and not just to modeling
[17,20]. There is no difference in general between modeling and
clusterization. The difference is only in the degree of detail of
the mathematical language. The language that is used is fuzzier:
instead of equations, it uses cluster relationships.